I've been remiss in posting, but here is an update!
I have successfully completed my first full squat challenge! 30 days (more like 35) of squats every day. My thighs are looking awesome! I will be the first to admit that I didn't really think that anything would really happen, but to be honest I am quite impressed with the results. I lost about a half inch on each thigh, as well as drastically reducing the cellulite and its overall more toned. I started a second squat challenge, but I lost interest about halfway through because this was more progressive that the first one (meaning the first one would give you a random number of squats to do, and the second challenge started at 50 and increased each day by five or ten, so there isn't really that surprise to it). I am going to reboot and start the challenge again, and I'll let you know how it goes.
Because of my work schedule, I can't really get out to ride as much as I want to. I work ten days and then get four days off, and it is really hard to work up the energy to get my gear and go for a ride when I have a bunch of other things that I have to catch up on before going back to work. So I needed to find something else to help. I thought about taking swim classes again, because they were amazing and fun, even though I still cant' swim, but they are difficult to find for adults. So then I considered doing martial arts, but I wasn't able to find a dojo that had sufficient classes to really qualify as fitness/exercises. Most of them only meet maybe twice or three times a week and their hours were really odd. (Do people really take off work in the middle of the day to go do MMA and then shower and go back to work???) So then it was crossfit, which would have worked but the CHEAPEST one that had a decent work out schedule was $100 a month....up front for a year. $1200....I don't know that I am that dedicated. I mean, read back through this blog and you will find that I am probably not $1200 worth of dedicated.
So I decided to go back to the basics. I found an app called Freeletics Running, and tried it out. Piece of Advice #1: always make sure you are properly equipped to do something. Running outfit: Check. Running App: Check. Earbuds: Check. Decent Running Shoes: not so much. I did go for a run but I had a pair of old Sketchers with memory foam insides that were not retaining much memory anymore and while it was exhilarating, I began to hurt the minute I got home, and that night I couldn't sleep for the pain in my hips, knees and feet. A day or two later I could feel the over all soreness of a good run, but that first day damn near killed me. So I am going to go get fitted for a decent pair of running shoes later this week and hopefully get into that groove.
I've also signed up for a 5k, which I haven't done in several years, and this one looks to be super fun. It's called the Color Buzz and it is a nighttime, glow in the dark run. I am very excited about it.
As always, I hope this hasn't been too boring!
A Cycling Challenge
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Monday, March 21, 2016
It's hard...but it's getting easier.
I've been trying to incorporate exercise into my life as part of my new daily routine. I didn't start this big exercise program. I didn't drastically change my diet. I am just starting to make some slow changes that might help.
I started a fiber program, since I am pretty sure I have IBS, but I haven't made it to the doctor yet. I've had a recurring problem with my intestines for a few years and hadn't thought to have it checked out till here recently. I've also started eating smaller portions when I can. I no longer get regular sized burgers if I'm craving one- I get the value menu ones and small fries. I'm trying to drink more water as well.
As far as exercise, I am starting with a couple of things. I am doing squats a few times a week at least. A while back I was doing a 30- day squat challenge and the results in the 21 days I managed to stick with it were amazing. I started with 50 squats a day and by day 21 I was up to 200 a day, and the difference was very noticeable. So, I'm, doing squats and incorporating knee lifts (the ones where you bring up your knee to the opposite elbow in an attempt to work out your abs). I like doing the squats because I know they produce results. I'll let you know what happens with the rest.
I'll try to be more consistent about posting on here. I've finished the task I had set out to do about eighteen months ago, so now I can dedicate my self to getting healthier and in shape.
So I'll leave you with this:

Thursday, December 17, 2015
I haven't thought about this blog in a while, and it's not for lack of interest. I have had so much happened and change this last year that it just slipped my mind.
However, I will get back on track and I will start posting on a more regular basis.
Update: I lost some weight, went down to 145 from 165, but then gained some of it back.
I was in a cycling accident which damaged my bike and left me with some pretty nasty bruises, but I'm in the process of getting it fixed and I'll post some pics here soon.
Hope all is well!!
However, I will get back on track and I will start posting on a more regular basis.
Update: I lost some weight, went down to 145 from 165, but then gained some of it back.
I was in a cycling accident which damaged my bike and left me with some pretty nasty bruises, but I'm in the process of getting it fixed and I'll post some pics here soon.
Hope all is well!!
Sunday, February 1, 2015
I know I haven't been on here in a while, but I have been making a lot of changes in my life. Many things that were holding me back or holding me down have somehow made their way out of my life and into someone else's. I am very happy about that.
I have finally hit my goal weight...sort of. I hit 150 lbs last week. I know I thought I was aiming for 145, but I am very satisfied with 150. It kind of happened unexpectedly. I had plateaued at 165 for so long, that I never really thought I would get down to 150 again. But when I made some of the above mentioned changes...it just happened. Almost overnight I was in the high 150's and then...BAM! I am excited, and now am focused on maintaining and toning. I got a Garmin Vivofit to motivate me (it actually works in a weird way). I am back to doing videos and walking/dancing more. I've rediscovered music as a motivator, and once the weather gets a little nicer, I'll see if I don't get that bike on the road again.
I am in a very happy place right now. I'd like to thank anyone who's taken the time to read this blog.
More to come!
I have finally hit my goal weight...sort of. I hit 150 lbs last week. I know I thought I was aiming for 145, but I am very satisfied with 150. It kind of happened unexpectedly. I had plateaued at 165 for so long, that I never really thought I would get down to 150 again. But when I made some of the above mentioned changes...it just happened. Almost overnight I was in the high 150's and then...BAM! I am excited, and now am focused on maintaining and toning. I got a Garmin Vivofit to motivate me (it actually works in a weird way). I am back to doing videos and walking/dancing more. I've rediscovered music as a motivator, and once the weather gets a little nicer, I'll see if I don't get that bike on the road again.
I am in a very happy place right now. I'd like to thank anyone who's taken the time to read this blog.
More to come!
Friday, May 9, 2014
I haven't posted in a long time...but yes I am still alive, and yes, I am still trying to be active.
I am participating in a Slimdown Challenge at work. It runs 5/12/14 to 8/8/14. I hope it works! I will post more later!

I am participating in a Slimdown Challenge at work. It runs 5/12/14 to 8/8/14. I hope it works! I will post more later!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
August/September So Far
August was pretty awesome. First of all, I went to New Orleans as an early birthday gift to myself. It was awesome. Don't get me wrong the first night I was there, I was slightly afraid and slightly disappointed, but I got over that very quickly. Also, look at some of the food! Boo Fries! Charbroiled Oysters! Beignets!
Alcoholic drinks!

So I didn't exercise the first two weeks of August-at all, and I managed to gain three pounds, but you know, it was so worth it. I had excellent food, I was able to go somewhere I'd wanted to go since I was 13 years old and read my first Anne Rice book, and I had good company. I am hoping to go back now that I know the lay out a little better. And just imagine, I gained weight-even with the walking of over 19 miles over the course of 4 days!
So moving on, after that it was my actual birthday, which I celebrated by eating cake (white white chocolate from Nothing Bundt Cakes) and pizza (Mellow Mushroom's Kosmic Karma). I had a good day. After that it was time to get back to the grind, and I was back at working both jobs, and slowly I've been building up to going to the gym three times a week again. I only managed 5 workouts last month, but every single one was a qualifying workout out (600 calories or more). One of them was even a 1000+ calorie work out. So all in all, I'm okay with that.
This month I decided to go a little crazy and go with my brother to CrossFit...
It was intense. I was walking like a duck for two days afterward. It hurt to stand. It hurt to sit. It hurt to lie down. But it was a great work out. It was qualified (600+) but it was painful. That was on the first Monday of the month. I couldn't get to the gym due to said soreness and other things, but it wouldn't have mattered, because by Thursday night I was at home with a 102 degree fever and a cold from hell...in Texas...during the summer. Who does that? Me.
Today is Tuesday. I am finally getting over the cold. I did go to the gym last night, did a qualifying workout, and slept for the first time since Thursday. So I am better.
This is my long awaited post. Oh, and no, I didn't eat the oysters, I made L1 eat them. :-)
Alcoholic drinks!

So I didn't exercise the first two weeks of August-at all, and I managed to gain three pounds, but you know, it was so worth it. I had excellent food, I was able to go somewhere I'd wanted to go since I was 13 years old and read my first Anne Rice book, and I had good company. I am hoping to go back now that I know the lay out a little better. And just imagine, I gained weight-even with the walking of over 19 miles over the course of 4 days!
So moving on, after that it was my actual birthday, which I celebrated by eating cake (white white chocolate from Nothing Bundt Cakes) and pizza (Mellow Mushroom's Kosmic Karma). I had a good day. After that it was time to get back to the grind, and I was back at working both jobs, and slowly I've been building up to going to the gym three times a week again. I only managed 5 workouts last month, but every single one was a qualifying workout out (600 calories or more). One of them was even a 1000+ calorie work out. So all in all, I'm okay with that.
This month I decided to go a little crazy and go with my brother to CrossFit...
It was intense. I was walking like a duck for two days afterward. It hurt to stand. It hurt to sit. It hurt to lie down. But it was a great work out. It was qualified (600+) but it was painful. That was on the first Monday of the month. I couldn't get to the gym due to said soreness and other things, but it wouldn't have mattered, because by Thursday night I was at home with a 102 degree fever and a cold from hell...in Texas...during the summer. Who does that? Me.
Today is Tuesday. I am finally getting over the cold. I did go to the gym last night, did a qualifying workout, and slept for the first time since Thursday. So I am better.
This is my long awaited post. Oh, and no, I didn't eat the oysters, I made L1 eat them. :-)
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
I hate to brag, because in the grand scheme of things it's not an amazing feat of anything, but.... I HAVE DONE 5 QUALIFYING WORKOUTS THIS MONTH!!!
This may not seem like a lot, but considering my one-a-month previous mentality, I think it is a big step in the right direction.
This is my reward schedule:
This may not seem like a lot, but considering my one-a-month previous mentality, I think it is a big step in the right direction.
This is my reward schedule:
JULY 2013 (starting 7/10/13)
If 5 (400 calorie) workouts, get extra movie on
top of regularly budgeted movies
If 10 (5 @ 400 calorie and 5 @ 600 calorie)
workouts, get one perk
If 10 (600 calorie)
workouts, get haircut
If 6(400 calorie) workouts, get extra movie on
top of regularly budgeted movies
If 12 (6 @ 400 calorie and 6 at 600 calorie)
workouts, get one perk
If 12 (600 calorie)
workouts, get one hour massage
If 6(400 calorie) workouts, get extra movie on
top of regularly budgeted movies
If 12 (6 @ 400 calorie and 6 at 600 calorie)
workouts, get one perk
If 12 (600 calorie)
workouts, get new pair of shoes
If 6(400 calorie) workouts, get extra movie on
top of regularly budgeted movies
If 12 (6 @ 400 calorie and 6 at 600 calorie)
workouts, get one perk
If 12 (600 calorie)
workouts, $75 to spend however you wish
If 6(400 calorie) workouts, get extra movie on
top of regularly budgeted movies
If 12 (6 @ 400 calorie and 6 at 600 calorie)
workouts, get one perk
If 12 (600 calorie)
workouts, day trip with BFF (and she will go with you!) to casino
If 6(400 calorie) workouts, get extra movie on
top of regularly budgeted movies
If 12 (6 @ 400 calorie and 6 at 600 calorie)
workouts, get one perk
If 12 (600 calorie) workouts, new high-value item (six
months of exercise gets bigger reward!)
If 6(450 calorie) workouts, get extra movie on
top of regularly budgeted movies
If 12 (6 @ 450 calorie and 6 at 650 calorie)
workouts, get one perk
If 12 (650 calorie)
workouts, get one hour massage
If 6(450 calorie) workouts, get extra movie on
top of regularly budgeted movies
If 12 (6 @ 450 calorie and 6 at 650 calorie)
workouts, get one perk
If 12 (650 calorie)
workouts, get new outfit from retail store of choice
MARCH 2014
If 6(450 calorie) workouts, get extra movie on
top of regularly budgeted movies
If 12 (6 @ 450 calorie and 6 at 650 calorie)
workouts, get one perk
If 12 (650 calorie)
workouts, get facial or other spa treatment
APRIL 2014
If 6(450 calorie) workouts, get extra movie on
top of regularly budgeted movies
If 12 (6 @ 450 calorie and 6 at 650 calorie)
workouts, get one perk
If 12 (650 calorie)
workouts, trip to outlets in Grand Prairie or Allen (your bff will walk around
with you!)
MAY 2014
If 6(450 calorie) workouts, get extra movie on
top of regularly budgeted movies
If 12 (6 @ 450 calorie and 6 at 650 calorie)
workouts, get one perk
If 12 (650 calorie)
workouts, $75 at retail store of choice
JUNE 2014
If 6(450 calorie) workouts, get extra movie on
top of regularly budgeted movies
If 12 (6 @ 450 calorie and 6 at 650 calorie)
workouts, get one perk
If 12 (650 calorie) workouts, weekend in Galveston (six
months of exercise gets bigger reward!)
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