Hahahhahaha....you thought it was over! Surprise! With the start of a new year comes the inevitable list of resolutions. Over the holidays I got up to 162, and my weights been fluctuating between 160-164 for about six months now. However I am pleased to report that weighing in this morning I was down to 157, so the portion control and stair climbing at work (four flights of stairs) have been working. I'm also
slowly cutting down my soda intake.
I am starting a combination of gym time and video work outs on February 1st. I have wrangled a commitment from commitment-shy L1 that she will go 3 to 4 times a week for Feb and the first week of March. I also have a friend, whom we shall call Keys, that has stated she will also work out with me. So even if they show up only two or three days a week, I will still have someone to keep me accountable, if nothing else, for at least showing up.
I've also been watching the Biggest Loser, and can I just say Jillian is mean! I had never watched the show before, and I only knew of her through the work out videos I have of hers, but I don't know that I wouldn't cry if she was yelling at me...
I want to get fit, in part because of health issues (cholesterol and high blood sugar) as well as for looks. Another reason? I am falling in love with the ocean and with beaches. I would love to go back to Grand Cayman and swim with dolphins and stingrays, and I would like to go snorkeling. I would like to not hold back L1 when we take snorkeling excursions because she can swim and I can't. I really would love to learn how to swim but I have a phobia....of bathing suits.
I am not wildly out of shape. I could definitely use some toning, but I am self conscious of parts of my body, so bathing suites....yeah. So anyways, I have to learn how to swim before my next vacation, which will hopefully be soon!!!!
Motivational pic of the day!