I started a fiber program, since I am pretty sure I have IBS, but I haven't made it to the doctor yet. I've had a recurring problem with my intestines for a few years and hadn't thought to have it checked out till here recently. I've also started eating smaller portions when I can. I no longer get regular sized burgers if I'm craving one- I get the value menu ones and small fries. I'm trying to drink more water as well.
As far as exercise, I am starting with a couple of things. I am doing squats a few times a week at least. A while back I was doing a 30- day squat challenge and the results in the 21 days I managed to stick with it were amazing. I started with 50 squats a day and by day 21 I was up to 200 a day, and the difference was very noticeable. So, I'm, doing squats and incorporating knee lifts (the ones where you bring up your knee to the opposite elbow in an attempt to work out your abs). I like doing the squats because I know they produce results. I'll let you know what happens with the rest.
I'll try to be more consistent about posting on here. I've finished the task I had set out to do about eighteen months ago, so now I can dedicate my self to getting healthier and in shape.
So I'll leave you with this: