Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day Two

Today started off much better. Spazz Monkey and I met up at 7:30am. We solved the problem of the faulty DVD player by playing the DVD on my laptop....smaller image, but then who really needs a full sized Jillian Michaels yelling at them that early in the morning? We got thru the workout, and I can tell I will be sore tomorrow. For those of you that don't know, the 30 day shred is a program that consists of three 20-minute individual workouts (levels one, two and three). Each workout is a two minute warmup, and then three sets of 3-2-1 (three minutes of strength training, two minutes of cardio, and one minute of abs) followed by a one minute cool down.  Have I mentioned my cardio skills are null?

As for the juice, this morning we had a fruit blend rather than the Mean Green. It was much tastier, bordering on delicious. It had three fiji apples, two oranges, and half a lemon. I am also having a banana right now. At approximately 11am, I have been instructed that I am allowed to have some cereal, in an effort to boost my metabolism. This is going to sound horrible, but I wonder if I can have WingStop for lunch...

Anyways, overall I would say that day two was successful.

I ended up not having WingStop for lunch. I instead had broccoli cheese soup and one half of a croissant sandwich from Jason's deli.  Then as punishment, MamaBear had me go with her to pick up the market order from Sam's, and I got to work out all over again... who knew snack food and 11 flats of water weighed that much???

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