Sunday, March 4, 2012


I haven't been a good girl lately. I have been lax about working out and my eating habits haven't changed much. In regards to the Juicing/Jillian Michaels, it didn't work out. Our schedules didn't mesh well enough to stand up to a work out routine. I'm supposed to have started doing the P90X again, but it's also not consistent enough to keep me engaged. 

A friend of mine has been working out consistently for a project that she has coming up. She kept up photos on her fb page so that people could see her working out and see her progress. She changed her diet, gave up alot of stuff, but the results are beyond *effen* amazing. I talked to her today and told her that the only thing really holding me back is lack of motivation. And she said the most mind boggling, puzzling thing: That's all on you. I thought about it for a minute, and hot damn if I didn't agree. 

So, I got up off the couch and away from the computer. I grabbed my Zune, Hachi (my dog), and my keys and headed out the door. We took a 20 minute walk, which with Hachi is a long walk because she hates the leash and she's not socialized with other dogs. It was a constant battle of wills. When we got back I decided it wasn't enough, so I aired up my road bike (the one with the crappy gears) and went for a ride. Am I out of shape? Yes, definitely, but the ride that previously would have had me gasping for air and sprawled on my living room floor didn't really tire me out this time around. It's progress.

I'm going to jump back into the P90X and this time if there's no one there to join me, it's their loss. I am determined to A) get back in shape and B) get my health back up to where it needs to be. Oh yes, I was told after blood work with my doctor that I am pre-diabetic and have high cholesterol. I have now purchased a juicer and cook more at home. I'm hoping to embark on a healthier lifestyle. 

I know this means a lot of changes, and hopefully I'll be able to adapt and stick with it. Only time will tell. 

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