I worked out again last night, starting over, Day One Level One. Even if I can't do all three levels in 30 days, I am going to aim for at least one level every two weeks. I am starting off with modified versions again. I would say wish me luck, but I need to hold myself accountable too. Cheers! To a better me!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
A New Start
The last few weeks have been a time of transition, change, and growth. My parents came to visit and then left. I had a birthday. I started my final semester of my bachelor's degree. Perhaps most importantly, though, is that I left a job that was no longer appropriate and came to a job that keeps me busy, engaged, and is technically a promotion. I work for higher education, so it was an internal transfer. It is like breathing fresh air. For a long time I have felt stifled, and my self-confidence has suffered. For a long time, I have let my work validate who I am as a person, and it was just recently after a spat of negative events that I realized how inappropriate it was. That is when the real push to expand and seek new opportunities began. I know that I am more than just an employee: I am a young woman, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, a student, a friend, etc. There are so many things and people that define who I am, and I was doing myself a disservice but allowing one place to influence me so heavily.
I worked out again last night, starting over, Day One Level One. Even if I can't do all three levels in 30 days, I am going to aim for at least one level every two weeks. I am starting off with modified versions again. I would say wish me luck, but I need to hold myself accountable too. Cheers! To a better me!

I worked out again last night, starting over, Day One Level One. Even if I can't do all three levels in 30 days, I am going to aim for at least one level every two weeks. I am starting off with modified versions again. I would say wish me luck, but I need to hold myself accountable too. Cheers! To a better me!
Friday, August 17, 2012
I saw this on a friend's facebook page and decided to steal it. I need all the motivation I can get!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Time to get back on it!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
If at first you don't succeed....
Take a few days off, then try again, and nearly die. That apparently is my motto. The last time we worked out was Friday. For some reason a bout of lethargy swept over me during the weekend and I didn't work out, and then yesterday I spent the day recovering from a fight with my door thanks to my dog (it was a draw, the door latch broke, but my back is in pain).
So today, in a monumental effort to not give up (because SOMEONE keeps saying I'm an inspiration, which I'm not, but thanks for the enormous amount of PRESSURE), I worked out. To Level 2. After three days of no work outs whatsoever. I will more than likely be in pain tomorrow. I didn't complete the workout all the way: I skipped an entire two minutes of cardio trying to catch my breath, and then did crunches instead of oblique twists. I did however, do most of it. Some of it. Enough to work up a decent sweat.
So there.
So today, in a monumental effort to not give up (because SOMEONE keeps saying I'm an inspiration, which I'm not, but thanks for the enormous amount of PRESSURE), I worked out. To Level 2. After three days of no work outs whatsoever. I will more than likely be in pain tomorrow. I didn't complete the workout all the way: I skipped an entire two minutes of cardio trying to catch my breath, and then did crunches instead of oblique twists. I did however, do most of it. Some of it. Enough to work up a decent sweat.
So there.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Level 2 Day 2
I did level 2 day 2 today. I did the workout with one of my coworkers. Admittedly, I did do better today that last night. No, I was not sore this morning, and it doesn't feel like I'll be sore tomorrow, but we can hope. Maybe I just need to do level one and level two, that way I'm really getting a good workout in. I feel that if I am not sore my muscles are not being challenged enough. I don't mean painful can't walk sore, just slightly tender sore.
We'll see. Today's motivation:
We'll see. Today's motivation:

Thursday, July 26, 2012
Holy Mother...
of whatever entity you believe is sacred...that woman is trying to kill me... Today I did level two day one. I think maybe I should go back to level one and work really, really hard at trying to make it through that level without stopping. Level two...is murder!
I sweat. I am a normal human being. In level one, I didn't really break a sweat till the second set of cardio. I glistened (right...) through the first circuit. Level two, I broke into a down-your-face-dripping-sweat by the end of the first set of strength...right after the warm up. I don't know if I will be sore or not, because half the time I was trying to grasp the move and the other half I was screaming bloody murder.
I'll let you know. Part of me is really tempted to do level one again, but the other part is like suck it up, even if you can't do the moves all the way or all the time, it's still a harder workout than level one...
I'll let you know tomorrow....
I sweat. I am a normal human being. In level one, I didn't really break a sweat till the second set of cardio. I glistened (right...) through the first circuit. Level two, I broke into a down-your-face-dripping-sweat by the end of the first set of strength...right after the warm up. I don't know if I will be sore or not, because half the time I was trying to grasp the move and the other half I was screaming bloody murder.
I'll let you know. Part of me is really tempted to do level one again, but the other part is like suck it up, even if you can't do the moves all the way or all the time, it's still a harder workout than level one...
I'll let you know tomorrow....
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Hot Damn!
That's right! Guess who made it to day ten!!!! Woooo!!!!!!! I am congratulating myself!!! LOL. I feel...vindicated. I know this is not a lot, ten days on a workout program, but if you read back through this blog and see how many times I have started and quit, you will realize what an accomplishment this is. Several times I worked out with a buddy, but you know what else? When I didn't have one, I worked out by myself. I am feeling really proud right now in case you couldn't tell.
Guess what else? Jillian Michaels? She's not lying when she says you will change you body if you are diligent with her work out. I know that I've only been on it for ten days, but my thighs are firmer, and today I saw those lines that form on the outside of you abs...I am in shock, cause I haven't seen those on me in years!!! This is the part where I explain that I carry most of my weight in my hips, thighs and the lowest part of my stomach. Today when I saw those lines forming, whew....I was in shock! My lower legs are usually in pretty good shape (from the cycling and all the walking I do on a regular basis), so my main trouble spots are my thighs, lower abs, and lack of strength in my upper body. And those lines I saw? They were there when I was relaxed (as in not sucking in my stomach to pretend I have abs...)
Now, also let me say, that I haven't lost weight, I am still hovering at 160, but I feel better. And I've been told that I am looking slimmer (but she could be lying, as she is my bestie and will say anything to make me feel better...) And as an added bonus, my posture is also getting better, and I'm starting to walk like I own the sidewalk...or the hallways...or my living room. Whatever. Its a good day, and I'm seeing results, so let's hear it for level two day one!!!
On that note:
Guess what else? Jillian Michaels? She's not lying when she says you will change you body if you are diligent with her work out. I know that I've only been on it for ten days, but my thighs are firmer, and today I saw those lines that form on the outside of you abs...I am in shock, cause I haven't seen those on me in years!!! This is the part where I explain that I carry most of my weight in my hips, thighs and the lowest part of my stomach. Today when I saw those lines forming, whew....I was in shock! My lower legs are usually in pretty good shape (from the cycling and all the walking I do on a regular basis), so my main trouble spots are my thighs, lower abs, and lack of strength in my upper body. And those lines I saw? They were there when I was relaxed (as in not sucking in my stomach to pretend I have abs...)
Now, also let me say, that I haven't lost weight, I am still hovering at 160, but I feel better. And I've been told that I am looking slimmer (but she could be lying, as she is my bestie and will say anything to make me feel better...) And as an added bonus, my posture is also getting better, and I'm starting to walk like I own the sidewalk...or the hallways...or my living room. Whatever. Its a good day, and I'm seeing results, so let's hear it for level two day one!!!
On that note:
Friday, July 20, 2012
An Update
So like I told you before, I have effectively been doing the 30DS. I have done it a total of 9 times, but two of those don't count since they were not in consecutive days. The way I'm counting is that they count as part of the level, as long as you don't go more than one day without doing it. So right now I should be on day 8, as long as I work out either today or at the very latest tomorrow. For the most part, doing the workout with someone else has been effective.
I was a little concerned because I am not losing weight; instead I am gaining it. However, I have been told that this is normal as you begin to build muscle. I hate to admit that I didn't take any pictures or before measurements, so I can accurately say if there are any results. I can say that I am feeling stronger, and girl push ups don't wear me out right away anymore. So here's to getting healthy and sticking to a plan. Aiming for day 10!
I was a little concerned because I am not losing weight; instead I am gaining it. However, I have been told that this is normal as you begin to build muscle. I hate to admit that I didn't take any pictures or before measurements, so I can accurately say if there are any results. I can say that I am feeling stronger, and girl push ups don't wear me out right away anymore. So here's to getting healthy and sticking to a plan. Aiming for day 10!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
I'm working....
Well, it's been awhile....I start alot of my posts like that. LOL. I have some mediocre news to report which is that I have been working out, maybe not as consistently as I'd like, but at least three times a week. It a mix of the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and Rodney Yee's yoga for beginners. I'm hoping to ramp it up to at least five times a week, but I am also trying to pace myself. I have been doing it by myself when no one is there to do it with me, and one of my coworkers seems really motivated to doing it. We'll see how long it lasts. Off I go to work out now.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Well, Damn.
It's been awhile since I posted last, and needless to say things have not gone well. I've had some more personal issues, as well as the loss of someone I cared for. It has made me somewhat apathetic. At this point I'm just tired, and could really use some help.
Advice Welcome.
Advice Welcome.
Friday, April 20, 2012
So Far
I've been keeping my promise to myself. I worked out last night to the Sweat 1-2 video (we're having some fun!) and I am somewhat sore, but not a lot. Tonight I am going to do the Sculpt 1-2 video again. I am having some issues with the ab workout, mostly because I don't know if I am doing it right or not. My lower back doesn't hurt, but neither do my abs. Regardless, that was day 2/3.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
The Best Revenge....
I've been going through a tough time here lately. There is a lot of things going on, both personally and professionally, that leave me feeling useless and depressed at the end of the day. Family issues, health issues, friend issues, work issues, school issues, all leave me drained.
Recently, I had one of the toughest breaks so far. My friends and coworkers that know me well know that I am a rule follower because they are there for a reason. I have also been told that I wear my heart on my sleeve and that I need to have more confidence and increase my self esteem. I will be the first to admit that my self esteem has been torn to shreds on various occasions by various people.
Then I realized something, I have to stop trying to let other people make me happy, and have to make myself happy. I know to some of you this might be common knowledge, but its harder to put things into motion to actually make it work. At least for me. So I sat down and made a list of things that would make me happy. Here goes:
1. I want to get in shape: this will resolve many health issues, including the insomnia (because I'll be tired, so I'll sleep better), the stress and depression (because I'll be too tired to care, and because if I look better I won't have to complain about my looks), the cholesterol and pre-diabetic-ness (because what I eat won't be clogging my arteries and my insulin will hopefully kick in). It will also improve my self esteem, hopefully.
2. I want to advance at work, because I hate being stagnant, and once my work loses its appeal I start getting bored and start getting the newness-itch (the urge to try something new).
3. I want to finish school: now this one is within reach, so long as my teachers don't screw me over this semester. At this point I don't think I even care about keeping a perfect GPA, I just want it to be OVER. I have considered doing a Master's, but that's going to have to wait at least till...
4. I want to pay off my car and my credit cards, to free up money for other things, like travel and possibly a Master's. This is hopefully on the horizon as well.
5. I want to go home to see my family. For those of you that don't know, my motherland is Southern Mexico.
6. I want to be a better friend to those I have. This is an on-going awareness that I've had for awhile, and I've been working on it.
7. I want to be in a happy, stable relationship, because my friend and I calculated it and its been way, WAY too long that I've been single.
So with this list created, I've started working on things. Last night I went home and did Sculpt 1-2 from the Power 90 system. I rode my bike to work today, and I have to ride it home in a few hours. I also will probably do the Sweat 1-2 from the Power 90 system this afternoon. Or I might take Hachi for a walk.
I've also started doing portion control, and eating somewhat healthier. I know that they say that you're supposed to eat 5-6 times a day, but I just can't do it. So I eat two to three times a day, in moderation.
Except for spaghetti at Nick's. You don't get between me and my spaghetti.
Part of the reason for this intense self-evalutation is the disintegration of a friendship that was dear to me. This particular incident left me feeling low and unwanted. It's been a few days, and I haven't had to speak to this person other than in professional situations, nor has this person inquired into my sudden coolness. This to me demonstrates that I was held in very little regard, and in turn made me realize that I am only worth the value I place in myself. So I plan to make it really hard to get hurt again. I am not the enemy, I am just someone tired of being used. If you get to know me, you might find deep inside my little black, ice-covered heart that I am indeed a good person; I can be extremely generous when I feel like it; I am there when you need me; and I am a good listener. I know there's got to be other good qualities in there somewhere, but I'll leave those for you to find out.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
I haven't been a good girl lately. I have been lax about working out and my eating habits haven't changed much. In regards to the Juicing/Jillian Michaels, it didn't work out. Our schedules didn't mesh well enough to stand up to a work out routine. I'm supposed to have started doing the P90X again, but it's also not consistent enough to keep me engaged.
A friend of mine has been working out consistently for a project that she has coming up. She kept up photos on her fb page so that people could see her working out and see her progress. She changed her diet, gave up alot of stuff, but the results are beyond *effen* amazing. I talked to her today and told her that the only thing really holding me back is lack of motivation. And she said the most mind boggling, puzzling thing: That's all on you. I thought about it for a minute, and hot damn if I didn't agree.
So, I got up off the couch and away from the computer. I grabbed my Zune, Hachi (my dog), and my keys and headed out the door. We took a 20 minute walk, which with Hachi is a long walk because she hates the leash and she's not socialized with other dogs. It was a constant battle of wills. When we got back I decided it wasn't enough, so I aired up my road bike (the one with the crappy gears) and went for a ride. Am I out of shape? Yes, definitely, but the ride that previously would have had me gasping for air and sprawled on my living room floor didn't really tire me out this time around. It's progress.
I'm going to jump back into the P90X and this time if there's no one there to join me, it's their loss. I am determined to A) get back in shape and B) get my health back up to where it needs to be. Oh yes, I was told after blood work with my doctor that I am pre-diabetic and have high cholesterol. I have now purchased a juicer and cook more at home. I'm hoping to embark on a healthier lifestyle.
I know this means a lot of changes, and hopefully I'll be able to adapt and stick with it. Only time will tell.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Day Five
Today is day five, and we'll see how it turns out. I caved this morning and had a sandwich for breakfast, but I didn't have soda. I got some orange juice instead. That is pretty much all I've had to eat today. We are supposed to be working out later today, but I don't like being sweaty at work, so I might do it by myself this evening. We'll see how it turns out.
There's not much to report. I haven't done a weigh in this week, but I am fairly sure that I haven't lost anything, on the bright side, I haven't gained anything either. :)
There's not much to report. I haven't done a weigh in this week, but I am fairly sure that I haven't lost anything, on the bright side, I haven't gained anything either. :)
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Day Three/Four
So day three was a bust, we shall call it the first cheat day of the cycle. Spazz and I were both sore from the previous day, not so much the workout as the having to haul around the stuff for the inventory. Needless to say, we didn't work out yesterday. I spent most of the day at home, which also means that my food intake wasn't great.
Today's gotten off to a better start. We are planning to work out this evening, taking advantage of those last few evenings before school starts back up. For breakfast I had a new fruit juice, plus two hard boiled eggs and a banana. For a mid morning snack I will have some cereal.
Today's juice recipe:
Two Fuji Apples
Two Oranges
1/2 Lemon
Two slices of Pineapple
We did indeed work out yesterday night, and for dinner we had another fruit blend, this time with kale added in.
The soreness isn't as bad as it was two days ago.
Today's gotten off to a better start. We are planning to work out this evening, taking advantage of those last few evenings before school starts back up. For breakfast I had a new fruit juice, plus two hard boiled eggs and a banana. For a mid morning snack I will have some cereal.
Today's juice recipe:
Two Fuji Apples
Two Oranges
1/2 Lemon
Two slices of Pineapple
We did indeed work out yesterday night, and for dinner we had another fruit blend, this time with kale added in.
The soreness isn't as bad as it was two days ago.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Day Two
Today started off much better. Spazz Monkey and I met up at 7:30am. We solved the problem of the faulty DVD player by playing the DVD on my laptop....smaller image, but then who really needs a full sized Jillian Michaels yelling at them that early in the morning? We got thru the workout, and I can tell I will be sore tomorrow. For those of you that don't know, the 30 day shred is a program that consists of three 20-minute individual workouts (levels one, two and three). Each workout is a two minute warmup, and then three sets of 3-2-1 (three minutes of strength training, two minutes of cardio, and one minute of abs) followed by a one minute cool down. Have I mentioned my cardio skills are null?
As for the juice, this morning we had a fruit blend rather than the Mean Green. It was much tastier, bordering on delicious. It had three fiji apples, two oranges, and half a lemon. I am also having a banana right now. At approximately 11am, I have been instructed that I am allowed to have some cereal, in an effort to boost my metabolism. This is going to sound horrible, but I wonder if I can have WingStop for lunch...
Anyways, overall I would say that day two was successful.
I ended up not having WingStop for lunch. I instead had broccoli cheese soup and one half of a croissant sandwich from Jason's deli. Then as punishment, MamaBear had me go with her to pick up the market order from Sam's, and I got to work out all over again... who knew snack food and 11 flats of water weighed that much???
As for the juice, this morning we had a fruit blend rather than the Mean Green. It was much tastier, bordering on delicious. It had three fiji apples, two oranges, and half a lemon. I am also having a banana right now. At approximately 11am, I have been instructed that I am allowed to have some cereal, in an effort to boost my metabolism. This is going to sound horrible, but I wonder if I can have WingStop for lunch...
Anyways, overall I would say that day two was successful.
I ended up not having WingStop for lunch. I instead had broccoli cheese soup and one half of a croissant sandwich from Jason's deli. Then as punishment, MamaBear had me go with her to pick up the market order from Sam's, and I got to work out all over again... who knew snack food and 11 flats of water weighed that much???
Monday, January 9, 2012
Day One-Fail
Today is day one, and it is not off to a good start. SM and I showed up and set up to work out...and we couldn't get the DVD player to work. It's one of those DVD/VCR combo sets, and we don't have a remote for it, so we couldn't get it to the correct workout chapter. We ended up going to the mini gym for a little bit. We half-assed it cause, honestly, that wasn't the workout we had in mind.
Then we proceeded with food intake, which went slightly better but not by much. I had a banana, a hard boiled egg, and about a cup of mean green...and yes, it is very mean. It wasn't as bad as we thought it would be, but by the end of the glass we were both gagging a bit... SM made this motion where I thought she was about to throw up, so I accidentally spit out what I had in my mouth. It was definitely a learning experience. I think tomorrow we will try more fruit. Here is what was in Mean Green:
6 kale leaves
1 lemon (peeled)
Thumb-sized ginger root
1 whole cucumber
2 whole apples
2 celery sticks
It was...interesting. We should've started out with a fruit juice i think.
Anyways, I'm going to try to figure out how the DVD combo works tonight, and with any luck we will be up and running tomorrow.
Then we proceeded with food intake, which went slightly better but not by much. I had a banana, a hard boiled egg, and about a cup of mean green...and yes, it is very mean. It wasn't as bad as we thought it would be, but by the end of the glass we were both gagging a bit... SM made this motion where I thought she was about to throw up, so I accidentally spit out what I had in my mouth. It was definitely a learning experience. I think tomorrow we will try more fruit. Here is what was in Mean Green:
6 kale leaves
1 lemon (peeled)
Thumb-sized ginger root
1 whole cucumber
2 whole apples
2 celery sticks
It was...interesting. We should've started out with a fruit juice i think.
Anyways, I'm going to try to figure out how the DVD combo works tonight, and with any luck we will be up and running tomorrow.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Back on Track
I will be the first to admit that I have a hard time sticking to things. Although I do plan to continue cycling, right now Texas is not being biker friendly. I work an odd schedule, and right now it tends to get dark before I can cycle home (its dark by 5: 20ish usually, and I don't leave work till way later than that), and I don't currently have a light kit for my bike...or mace. So I've given up on that for the winter months. My other workout partners also have a lot going on, and for one reason or another (and trust me, these two have valid reasons) we are no longer doing Power 90.
Over winter break, my boss convinced me to watch a documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. To those of you who have already watched it, you know what I'm talking about; to those of you who haven't, I highly recommend watching it. The story is amazing and motivating, without being full of itself or pushy. I have decided to give it a try. It's a juice diet, based on fruits and veggies. Anyone who knows me knows I hate veggies, and am not a huge fan of fresh fruit. I prefer my fruit in a cup...with heavy syrup. However, a friend of mine is doing it at work, and he let me try some of the juice this morning, called Mean Green. It had kale, cucumber, apples, celery, lemon, ginger, and who knows what other green stuff. I tried it, and it was actually quite tasty.
I've been working on doing something, or getting someone to commit to working out with me, because I really do better when I know I have someone waiting on me. In that spirit, I have convinced my friend J, better known to some as SpazzMonkey, to not only work out with me, but also get me started on juicing, since she has a juicer and I don't.
Starting Monday, we will meet every day for thirty days to do Jillian Micheals' 30 Day Shred. I will drink juice for breakfast and lunch, for ten days. Once the thirty days are over, I have two passes for 10 classes of boot camp. If I successfully complete the next forty days I will then attempt a longer juice fast. This time I have put my money where my mouth is: I have to pay SM for the juice, plus I shelled out some money for the boot camp passes.
I appreciate any positive harassment you send my way. Keep tabs on me, that way I have someone to be accountable to.
Over winter break, my boss convinced me to watch a documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. To those of you who have already watched it, you know what I'm talking about; to those of you who haven't, I highly recommend watching it. The story is amazing and motivating, without being full of itself or pushy. I have decided to give it a try. It's a juice diet, based on fruits and veggies. Anyone who knows me knows I hate veggies, and am not a huge fan of fresh fruit. I prefer my fruit in a cup...with heavy syrup. However, a friend of mine is doing it at work, and he let me try some of the juice this morning, called Mean Green. It had kale, cucumber, apples, celery, lemon, ginger, and who knows what other green stuff. I tried it, and it was actually quite tasty.
I've been working on doing something, or getting someone to commit to working out with me, because I really do better when I know I have someone waiting on me. In that spirit, I have convinced my friend J, better known to some as SpazzMonkey, to not only work out with me, but also get me started on juicing, since she has a juicer and I don't.
Starting Monday, we will meet every day for thirty days to do Jillian Micheals' 30 Day Shred. I will drink juice for breakfast and lunch, for ten days. Once the thirty days are over, I have two passes for 10 classes of boot camp. If I successfully complete the next forty days I will then attempt a longer juice fast. This time I have put my money where my mouth is: I have to pay SM for the juice, plus I shelled out some money for the boot camp passes.
I appreciate any positive harassment you send my way. Keep tabs on me, that way I have someone to be accountable to.
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