You only have one body, how you choose to inhabit it is completely up to you. If you are happy being fat that's excellent. If you aren't, you have to do something about it if you want it to change. In today's society, "fat" is a bad word, akin to a lot of curse words out there. We don't call people "fat" we call them overweight, obese, fluffy, big-boned, etc. Its fat. Plain and simple. A human body is built of layers, starting with bones, then muscles, ligaments and nerves, then a layer of fat and skin. Fat is necessary to keep you warm and to protect your organs. The technical term for it is adipose tissue. An excess of fat, however, is dangerous, and can have detrimental effects on your health, which is why medical professionals established guidelines to help keep people healthy.
Is it easy to be healthy? No. Is it worth it? Yes. Why? For me personally, its because I have something to prove--to myself. For far too long I've let things that happened in the past haunt me and bring down my self esteem and I am done with that crap. I can't complain about something if I don't do anything about it. Is it hard? Incredibly so, I hate eating right, or not being able to go out to eat. I hate counting calories, steps, distance, etc. I hate not being able to go straight home and curl up with a book, or watch a movie. At the end of the day though, nothing gives me a better feeling than knowing I did it. Even just one workout is worth it. I got up off my ass and I did it. I am setting an example, I am doing what needs to be done. The only workout I regret is the one I didn't do. Every time I start and then quit, its a disappointment to myself. It is a testament to my will that I keep starting over. So yes, I may not stick with it for very long, but I always start again. I won't ever give up trying to be better. You can choose to judge me or you can choose to support me. Either way, I'm doing what I need to do.
Thank God for the occasional tear. It hurts, I'm not lying. But I still brought my gym bag for tonight.