Week Two was also a bust, I only worked out once, on Monday. Can I just say you can always get me to do stuff by making me feel guilty. Truly, it works every time.
My mom is a master manipulator, and I know this, yet I fall for it every time. Two perfect examples: I work from 8-5 in a Arlington, which is roughly a 25 minute drive from my home in Fort Worth. So add in traffic and its usually 40 minutes. So I leave my house at 7:20 every day, and if I don't work out, I still don't get home till about 5:40pm. When I do work out I can usually miss all the traffic and be home at around 6:30. But this is what she does. She only has a small snack in the morning that she calls breakfast (I'm talking toast and coffee, or a single bowl of cereal) and then she doesn't eat the rest of the day until I get home. This woman has diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid issues, etc., and she's not eating all day. Am I wrong to think that she needs to learn to eat by herself??? Anyway, I always end up going home 'on time' 75% of the time just to make sure she eats.
Another example is this: I don't usually shop for myself unless I need to. I mean, I wait until I absolutely have to, and then I drag L1 to the mall with me for an entire day to buy EVERYTHING I need in one fell swoop. Well, since we've started working out I have noticed that my workout shoes are lacking. I'm straining the arch of my right foot, plus I've pretty much worn out the padding on the inside. So I decided to buy myself some nice shoes. Now remember, I don't usually shop for myself, and I like to think of myself as extremely frugal. So spending any more than $50 bucks for shoes is usually a no no, but I found a pair of Reebok Crossfit Nano's that I really liked, and they were in black and grey, since I'm not a fan of color. Were they expensive? Yes. Would I really use them? Yes. I've had my current pair of sneakers for about two years, so I know I get my money's worth. So I bought them, and when I got home, she gave me this look and made me feel so guilty that I ended up taking them back the next day.
I really hate that she does this, and I really hate that she doesn't understand that I am an adult, and though I love her, I do not want her to keep guilt tripping me and meddling.
Moving on. I did work out yesterday with L1. I did the elliptical, and the we both did some weights. I bought my gym bag with me and my goal this week is 4 times. We are also taking a class on Saturday that should be a good work out in and of itself.
Wish me luck!