Monday, May 13, 2013

Summer Slimdown Challenge 2013- Casino Style

Goal is 13% weight loss.
Buy In: $25
Winner: Full Pot
Start Day: May 13th
End Date: September 1st
Weekly Weigh In: Sundays 
A couple of my coworkers and I made a bet, better referred to as a challenge, to try to motivate ourselves to get healthier. We each have a ways to go in regards to weight loss (anywhere from 20 to 60lbs) and we each have our unique challenges. I suppose I am the closest to my goal, so my difficulty is not weight loss but toning and getting "in shape," turning my fat into muscle to reduce my weight. My coworkers will have an easier time losing weight, but they also have more weight to lose. We each face personal hurdles, from lack of desire to modify our diets, to lack of motivation to move and exercise. We're hoping having money at stake will help.

I'll post updates on here over the summer to let you know how that in particular is working out. 
Hoo Rah!

It only takes one...

...bad experience to derail someone from a goal, regardless of whether it's fitness related or not. I admit I have quit exercising several times before just due to lack of personal motivation. However, the last time I quit had several factors.

The one that stands out the most is that one person in particular took it upon herself to make me feel like crap because I wasn't working out when she thought I should be working out. Keep in mind at the time, I was adjusting to a something new at work, the person I was supposed to be working out with was injured, and my mom was still here. So my time was a bit more limited than usual, and that particular day I was already tired. So when this person asked if I was going to the gym, I said maybe later. The last thing I need was her sarcastic "uh-huh," implying that I was lying. Honestly, if that was the only way she could think of to motivate me, it backfired in a big way.

Another thing which usually holds me back is that I don't like gyms. I understand that about 60% of people go to seriously work out. It's the other 40% that tick me off. The ones that go just to chit chat, or to walk around and look "fit." Let me clarify: they don't look fit, they just look like jackasses. Why? Because they are basically saying "Look at me, I look better than you," and most of the time it's not even true. To me it's already stressful going to the gym due to previously mentioned body issues, I don't need some peacock prancing around making me feel worse.

Yet another thing is the lack of desire to adjust my diet. I don't particularly care for veggies (other than broccoli, potatoes, corn, and basically the ones that don't really count) and I usually will pick convenience over health. I have slowly started changing that. Today I am proud to announce I haven't had any sort of take out food since last Thursday. I've had cereal or Jimmy Dean's biscuits for breakfast, a sandwich or homemade meal for lunch and dinner. This is a big step for me!

The last thing is one of the biggest things that hold me back: the fact that I find it harder to work out alone. I would rather work out with someone else because it makes me work harder and push myself further; it has nothing to do with the other person, other than that their presence makes me show up and work. However, the last time it didn't work out. The person I was supposed to be working out with injured herself, and she already has issues of her own. A few weeks after the injury I asked how the working out was going, and it did not end well. I have another friend that I sometimes go cycling with, who is usually in better shape than me, and his mocking also doesn't help. Stuff like this makes me want to give up.

I am not going to though, because this is about me, and getting to where I need to be to be HAPPY. I think a lot of my issues would be resolved if I could learn to accept my body, and right now I am just not at a point where I can. Learning to love myself is a process, and it's going to take time. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

And so it begins....again.

I am trying again. I'm starting off with modifying what I eat first. First big change: Breakfast. We'll see how it works out.