Thursday, June 30, 2011


So I did make it home yesterday, but the heat and my lack of hydration slowed me down. It took me about 35 minutes to get home, with two short breaks in between. Afterwards, as smart as I am, I decided it was the perfect time to donate blood. So today I feel like jelly. Needless to say I didn't ride to work today, but I am planning on it tomorrow.

On another note, I found I dont think I'll really need a hydration pack but I will need to get the rack asap. Also, drivers should really pay more attention. Fort Worth has recently starting putting bike lanes all over the city, but drivers still fail to respect them. They have a full nine to twelve feet lanes (which is wide enough for 18 wheeler, let alone a pickup truck) and they still feel the need to drive on or over the line in the bike lane. Really? Ignorant people irritate me... pictures to come soon.

Current weight: 160 lbs.
Caloric Intake as of 3:45 pm: 1125

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I did my first ride this morning! It didnt go exactly as planned, but for what it went pretty damn well. I made it from home to work in approximately twenty minutes. I am sitting here at work. I just ate a donut (or four...) and drank some orange juice. I'm about to head back. Not my brightest idea, considering it's after noon, but the longer I wait the hotter it will get. So all in all a good ride. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. Depending on how sore I am I will try to ride to work tmrw. For this ride I didnt carry a back pack. Just me and the bike.

I tried to joke with my boss that I might have to call in tomorrow, to which another co worker chimed in, "If T can go 32 miles and come to work the next day, you can go 6 miles and not complain!" Which reminds me, props to T for going on a 32 mile ride and still being able to walk. Most people think riding is easy, but its not... its really an exercise that takes a toll, not to mention the horrible sunburns.

It's approximately 93 degrees. Here we go!

Gah! Me1 made me realize I should be posting stats on here.
Current weight: 161.5 lbs
Calorie Intake: 3020 (yes I know that's incredibly high...but I was hungry)
Calories burned on bike ride: 290
Average Speed: 9.6 mph (it gets better as I build up to it)
 Please feel free to ask any questions... and if any of you would like to help me count the calories, it would be much appreciated. :D

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Greetings Earthlings! This is the closest picture I could get to my bike. I have a Mongoose Professional Mozo R150 Bike. Some of you asked me the difference between the Mozo (hybrid) and a road bike. The Mozo has fatter tires that are designed to go over various types of terrain, and shocks on the front fork for a smoother ride. It also has a horizontal handlebar, which allows a more upright sitting position. Its easily adaptable as well with easy-release brakes and no tools necessary removal of the tires. I've added a few things to it , including a water bottle holder, a strap-on pouch right below the handlebars for some tools, and a chain and lock, just in case, and some flat prevention strips into my tires. I carry with me at all times, regardless of whether is a joyride or a get-to-work-or-you'll-get-fired ride, a pepper spray thing, a set of tire removal tools (trust me after the first time you almost stab your eye out with a screwdriver in an attempt to remove the tire from the rim, you'll invest in these fantastic little tools), my ID, my cell, and a patch kit. The bike is almost ready to go, all it needs is a kickstand and a rack, and all I need is a camelpak, but I think I am going to forgo that for the moment and just take a large water bottle with me.
Wednesday is the day set for my first round trip ride. I've decided to give myself one and a half hours to get there, and hopefully will be more than enough time to get there and shower. 
Wish me luck!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Challenge Update

Two other people have taken up the challenge: R and V. Other than that, wanted to let you know that the test ride will be postponed possibly till this weekend. I just got back from a 2200 mile road trip and I'm exhausted. Also, I haven't had a chance to get the other supplies (camelpak and rack for the bag that would contain my work clothes), so as soon as I gear up I will post another update.

Sadly, I think I gained two or three pounds over the weekend due to all the delicious food and snacks on the trip...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ride Info

The ride is approximately 3.2 miles, from my home to work. So a total of 6.4 miles a day. I have two friends, possibly three, that have been drafted into emergency contacts, in case I get stranded, bad weather, etc.

Riding to work not only means that I'll be getting exercise, but I will also save money on gas and food, since a large portion of my income is spent on fast food consumed for breakfast or lunch, and keeping my gas tank on 'mediocre' instead of 'empty'.

I have two bikes currently, a hybrid and a road bike, both outfitted well. The hybrid will more than likely be the one I start out on, because it is a sturdier bike with extra enhancements added to prevent things like flats, etc. Also, the road bike requires a more fit rider than I currently am, so I'm hoping to build up to it.

I have to invest in a camelpak, so that should be done next week. My first ride hopefully will be next Friday (June 17) or Saturday (June 18), because I have to get some additional gear and I have a trip this weekend.

In the interim, I will post some pics, so we can track my progress.

I am allotting one and a half hours for the ride, since I am out of shape, hopefully once I start doing it regularly I will be able to cut that time in half...

A Cycling Challenge

Many of my friends know that I am not a person for exercise. I have my momentary lapses of sanity, when I uselessly try to do Billy's Boot camp, or P90X, but after the first week I usually give up do to lack of motivation/support/dedication. There is a small gym where I work, but the idea of spending more time there makes me mentally cringe sometimes.

Before I go any further, let me clarify that my weight does not bother me. I may be a few pounds over where the established guidelines say I should be for my height (5'5"=140-145lbs is what I should be, I'm at about 155-160lbs at the moment), but I am not fat. I lack toning, but I am satisfied with my weight.  

The only real exercise I've stuck with through the years was cycling. I find it to be a great stress reliever, and when I manage to do it regularly I can see the results after  a few rides. Stronger legs, more endurance, inches lost. In the last couple of years I lost the ability to ride because I was commute two hours daily, so I didn't have the time. Last year however, I transferred to a department that's located approximately 3.5 miles from my home, which makes it the ideal distance for a ride. Now that the weather is appropriate, I have decided to attempt to ride to and from work.

Let me explain this decision. My best friend, whom we shall refer to as ME1, also wants to acquire a healthier body image, but we both lack a support network. So in an effort to motivate ourselves we made a bet. Now anyone who knows me know I will not usually bet unless I know the outcome for certain. However, this particular bet can go either way. The goal is to achieve an overall healthier body. The prize: A paid weekend at the Texas coast (well gasoline and lodging anyways). Technically we both win, since both of us will be going, but one of us will be going for FREE.

Since I lack a support network at home, I've decided to start a blog dedicated to this. I will post pictures, as well as updates, in hopes that some of you might offer criticism/support/random advice.

Please feel free to share this blog, but if you're a "hater" keep the comments to yourself. The goal is a support network, not a tear-me-down network.