Thursday, June 30, 2011


So I did make it home yesterday, but the heat and my lack of hydration slowed me down. It took me about 35 minutes to get home, with two short breaks in between. Afterwards, as smart as I am, I decided it was the perfect time to donate blood. So today I feel like jelly. Needless to say I didn't ride to work today, but I am planning on it tomorrow.

On another note, I found I dont think I'll really need a hydration pack but I will need to get the rack asap. Also, drivers should really pay more attention. Fort Worth has recently starting putting bike lanes all over the city, but drivers still fail to respect them. They have a full nine to twelve feet lanes (which is wide enough for 18 wheeler, let alone a pickup truck) and they still feel the need to drive on or over the line in the bike lane. Really? Ignorant people irritate me... pictures to come soon.

Current weight: 160 lbs.
Caloric Intake as of 3:45 pm: 1125


  1. Oh, pictures are good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Pictures will be great! Honestly--it's so hot I can't even imagine biking home. You have my respect.

  3. glad you got started. hydration is important. not getting hit is also really important. sorry drivers are idiots. do be careful plz.
