Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ride Info

The ride is approximately 3.2 miles, from my home to work. So a total of 6.4 miles a day. I have two friends, possibly three, that have been drafted into emergency contacts, in case I get stranded, bad weather, etc.

Riding to work not only means that I'll be getting exercise, but I will also save money on gas and food, since a large portion of my income is spent on fast food consumed for breakfast or lunch, and keeping my gas tank on 'mediocre' instead of 'empty'.

I have two bikes currently, a hybrid and a road bike, both outfitted well. The hybrid will more than likely be the one I start out on, because it is a sturdier bike with extra enhancements added to prevent things like flats, etc. Also, the road bike requires a more fit rider than I currently am, so I'm hoping to build up to it.

I have to invest in a camelpak, so that should be done next week. My first ride hopefully will be next Friday (June 17) or Saturday (June 18), because I have to get some additional gear and I have a trip this weekend.

In the interim, I will post some pics, so we can track my progress.

I am allotting one and a half hours for the ride, since I am out of shape, hopefully once I start doing it regularly I will be able to cut that time in half...


  1. I am curious (and have never asked the other people i know that bike to work) how you deal with the sweat/ clothes change issue in the morning commute. Are you taking a change of clothes or just changing shoes?

  2. Cool. I didn't answer your survey because I didn't know the difference between a road bike and a hybrid bike. Looking forward to watching your progress. :)

  3. @Kimberly: I take a change of clothes with me to work. We have a small gym there that has a shower in it, so the sweat shouldn't be a problem. @Faith: I hope I make it...
