Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm Tired....

So, I've been doing better. I committed last week to working out with M and LM and doing the Power 90. Lets just's been a long week. In my defense though...I haven't been the first one to quit. I haven't missed a day yet either. I'm not gonna lie, I'd rather be sleeping, but I have noticed a change in my mood. (As in I'm-so-tired-I-don't-have-the-energy-to-argue-or-get-mad. LOL)

I have been eating slightly better, and I've been cooking at home a lot more, which is great, cause I missed home cooked meals alot. I mean there's only so many hamburgers you can have before you get sick of the taste.

I have a introductory class to Krav Maga next month that I'm really looking forward to. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Okay, I'm out, that's my blog post for the month. See, that's how tired I am...

1 comment:

  1. Krav Maga sounds like something I'd like to be able to do, but ain't no chance in hell of actually physically being able to. I think you'd enjoy it though. You're a lot tougher (and skinnier) than I am!

    It does get boring eating fast food all the time. But cooking for one can get tedious too. Any tricks you want to share?
