Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A New Start

The last few weeks have been a time of transition, change, and growth. My parents came to visit and then left. I had a birthday. I started my final semester of my bachelor's degree. Perhaps most importantly, though, is that I left a job that was no longer appropriate and came to a job that keeps me busy, engaged, and is technically a promotion. I work for higher education, so it was an internal transfer. It is like breathing fresh air. For a long time I have felt stifled, and my self-confidence has suffered. For a long time, I have let my work validate who I am as a person, and it was just recently after a spat of negative events that I realized how inappropriate it was. That is when the real push to expand and seek new opportunities began. I know that I am more than just an employee: I am a young woman, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, a student, a friend, etc. There are so many things and people that define who I am, and I was doing myself a disservice but allowing one place to influence me so heavily.

I worked out again last night, starting over, Day One Level One. Even if I can't do all three levels in 30 days, I am going to aim for at least one level every two weeks. I am starting off with modified versions again. I would say wish me luck, but I need to hold myself accountable too. Cheers! To a better me!
 Motivational Quote - There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.


  1. I'm glad to hear you are in a better situation at work. Keep pressing forward :)

  2. Good luck...hope it's going well!!
